Wednesday 17 October 2012

Can good posture cure back pain?

People often tell me that they think they have poor posture and that their poor posture is causing their back pain.  Is this really the case? 

My question to them is; "What is good posture?"  There really is no consensus on what is good and bad posture.  In fact, there is no clear definition as to what posture is.  The best definition of posture that I have come across is; three curves to the spine (lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, cervical lordosis).  An example of neutral spine or normal posture would be what your spine would look like if you were standing or lying (most likely with 3 curves).

One of the problems with posture is that there is no good way of measuring posture.  Plumb lines may be helpful, but I would not consider them to be reliable or valid.  Our posture is made up of a number of segments (vertebra) so how can you tell if you have made valid or reliable changes to posture?  Seeing as everyone has a bit of a different spine (some people are taller, some people have different curves to their spine etc.) everyone would have their own unique posture.

For the question of whether poor posture can be the cause of back pain, the answer is that it most certainly can.  Just think about the last time you were in a prolonged posture (probably sitting at the computer right now, or on your commute to and from work).  Were you stiff when you stood up or got out of the car?

So how can we change posture to keep ourselves out of pain.  The best answer I have is to constantly change your position.  Keep moving!  It will reduce stiffness and help keep you out of pain. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Stacie, Poor posture may be part of the cause of the back pain. You may find that prolonged postures such as sitting (especially in flexion or bent forward) for long periods causes pain/tightness. Fascial stretching should help, but your best defense is to keep moving so you are not stuck in one position for too long

  2. This is really a nice post..and i was looking for something like this..Good one

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